Why Should Vitiligo be Treated based on Stages?

The cause of vitiligo is unknown, and the treatment time is long, so the process of vitiligo treatment should be based on the condition of vitiligo, thus conduct reasonable treatment, so vitiligo should be treated in different stages, vitiligo in the course of the disease can be divided into stable stage and progressive stage. In the treatment, it is important not to discern the stage of the disease and blandly use some external use application. Patients should follow the following two principles: focusing on internal treatment, and adjusting the body's immune function, and neuroendocrine function, other system diseases, such as thyroid disease, diabetes, liver disease, etc., should be treated at the same time. During the progressive period, do not choose strong sunlight or ultraviolet light, so as not to increase the load of melanocytes, increase the toxic products of melanin metabolism, and intensify the destruction of melanocytes themselves.

The consolidation treatment of vitiligo needs to do the following points:

I. Patients should continue previous treatment two to three months after the first consolidation treatment, after the first treatment, it is best to continue treatment for two to three months, to ensure that their organism is completely restored to normal, preventing vitiligo occur because of some small trauma stimulation.

II. Maintain good eating habits. Even after the disease is treated, the diet of vitiligo patients should still be controlled, because vitiligo is an easily recurring skin disease, if the patient does not have some food taboo, it is easy to make vitiligo recure. The experts suggest that vitiligo patients should pay attention to eating more beans and nuts food, less spicy and stimulating food. The first occurrence of vitiligo is very easy to treat, but it should be noted that due to the differences between people and people, such as the cause of the disease, disease mechanism, disease location, personal lifestyle, work environment, etc. lead to the treatment effect appears in different lengths of time.

vitiligo doctor liu yuntao
Dr Liu yuntao

Committed to vitiligo’s basic theory and clinical research for thirty years, he makes an effective countermeasures to solve the issues of vitiligo spreading and vitiligo relapse, makes hair mucosal site and skin color recover.

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